Bloop's Game Master Application (Remake)
Real Name
In-Game Name
I'm turning 19 this year.
Singapore GMT +08:00.
Any experiences from other private servers (with proof, otherwise just leave blank)
v75 MoodMs - No proofs, Shut down last 2 years.
v83 BrotherHoodMs - Proof .. Image Here
v83 ForeverGamerz - Proof .. Image Here
v83 HiddenMs - No Proof, Sorry.
v83 GroundZeroMs - No Proof, Sorry.
How many time spend inside HeliosMS
Anytime I wanna on, I'll on. And I'm really active either in the game or in the forum. I was an ex-forum moderator for all the servers I mentioned above though. Everyday you'll see me in game if you're in the same timezone as me. So I'm trying my luck to be GM in game. And if Helios wants me on immediately, I'll do my best to get on. Cause you can contact me anytime except when I'm sleeping.
Why you should be chosen as a Game Master
Let's see. Help players with their problems in the server. Help Helios improve the server. Suggest more things into the server, like more NPCs or something. But most importantly, discipline myself when handling matters which involves cursing and swearing. Being a GM isn't about getting the cool commands, being a GM is about getting closer to the players, server, and staffs. I can also help out with the server graphics if Helios wants me to. I can be trusted, I'm committed to the server. It's up to the admins. It's not like I can accept myself to become a GM. I will treat everyone the with. GM, players, Helios, I'll treat them with repspect cause everyone deserves a respect for themself. No one is perfect. Everyone should get the same amount of respect. But I won't respect hackers as they're a trash to the server.
What can you contribute to HeliosMS?
Vote, invite new players, vote, invite new players. Donate? Sure. After I graduate from school and start working, seriously. If someone was hacking right in front of me, what would I do? BAN! Yes that's it, cause that person is 'hacking right in front of me'. I can also contribute my designing skills. I can also help to host daily events in the server. These are some of the events I'm experienced with hosting.
Jump Quests, love it alot, I'm making it impossible for them to get up if I can.
Fashion Show, grab 3 judges, 1 minute dress up, line up, vote up and we got a winner.
Russian Roulette, go in hide, choose one platform, kill map, players in the same platform gets to press 'ok' - grats.
True / False, O/X map, powerful question, true (left) false (right), kill map. those wrong get to press 'ok' - grats again.
Extra Information (optional)
I'm Jabba, turning 19 this year and I'm a game designer. Games arts to be exact. I design characters, programmers code it for me. Designing, sports and games are my top 3 hobbies. Sports as in soccer and games, loads of it. Example, MapleStory, DotA, CounterStrike, Dragonica, and more. Too many games being played. If you need to contact me. Here's me email, Contact me anytime.
Real Name
In-Game Name
I'm turning 19 this year.
Singapore GMT +08:00.
Any experiences from other private servers (with proof, otherwise just leave blank)
v75 MoodMs - No proofs, Shut down last 2 years.
v83 BrotherHoodMs - Proof .. Image Here
v83 ForeverGamerz - Proof .. Image Here
v83 HiddenMs - No Proof, Sorry.
v83 GroundZeroMs - No Proof, Sorry.
How many time spend inside HeliosMS
Anytime I wanna on, I'll on. And I'm really active either in the game or in the forum. I was an ex-forum moderator for all the servers I mentioned above though. Everyday you'll see me in game if you're in the same timezone as me. So I'm trying my luck to be GM in game. And if Helios wants me on immediately, I'll do my best to get on. Cause you can contact me anytime except when I'm sleeping.
Why you should be chosen as a Game Master
Let's see. Help players with their problems in the server. Help Helios improve the server. Suggest more things into the server, like more NPCs or something. But most importantly, discipline myself when handling matters which involves cursing and swearing. Being a GM isn't about getting the cool commands, being a GM is about getting closer to the players, server, and staffs. I can also help out with the server graphics if Helios wants me to. I can be trusted, I'm committed to the server. It's up to the admins. It's not like I can accept myself to become a GM. I will treat everyone the with. GM, players, Helios, I'll treat them with repspect cause everyone deserves a respect for themself. No one is perfect. Everyone should get the same amount of respect. But I won't respect hackers as they're a trash to the server.
What can you contribute to HeliosMS?
Vote, invite new players, vote, invite new players. Donate? Sure. After I graduate from school and start working, seriously. If someone was hacking right in front of me, what would I do? BAN! Yes that's it, cause that person is 'hacking right in front of me'. I can also contribute my designing skills. I can also help to host daily events in the server. These are some of the events I'm experienced with hosting.
Jump Quests, love it alot, I'm making it impossible for them to get up if I can.
Fashion Show, grab 3 judges, 1 minute dress up, line up, vote up and we got a winner.
Russian Roulette, go in hide, choose one platform, kill map, players in the same platform gets to press 'ok' - grats.
True / False, O/X map, powerful question, true (left) false (right), kill map. those wrong get to press 'ok' - grats again.
Extra Information (optional)
I'm Jabba, turning 19 this year and I'm a game designer. Games arts to be exact. I design characters, programmers code it for me. Designing, sports and games are my top 3 hobbies. Sports as in soccer and games, loads of it. Example, MapleStory, DotA, CounterStrike, Dragonica, and more. Too many games being played. If you need to contact me. Here's me email, Contact me anytime.
Last edited by Bloop on Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:41 am; edited 1 time in total